
Benefits of Meditation

Mindfulness training and meditation promote healthy brainwave activity in the short and long term. It increases alpha activity, which is associated with calmness, alertness, focus, and attention.

Meditation refers to the practice of deliberate techniques aimed at inducing a state of relaxation, attentional focus, or contemplation.

Meditation Can Involve

  • Repeating certain words or phrases
  • Regulating breathing
  • Clearing Thoughts
  • Directing thoughts in a particular way


To train the mind so you can bring yourself into a state of consciousness that benefits you in some
way — be it relaxation, heightened awareness, enhanced concentration, etc.

Walking Meditation
Walking meditation also involves the element of mindfulness, as well as adds in the element of activity. Here is an example of a walking meditation practice you could try.

1. Begin walking at a normal pace, preferably in a quiet environment.

2. Then start to observe your breath, appreciating how air enters in through your nostrils, fills your lungs, and comes back out from your throat and mouth.

3. Gradually refine your breathing to take deep, diaphragmatic breaths.

4. Now coordinate your breath with your stride, inhaling for four steps and exhaling for four steps.

5. Once this becomes comfortable and automatic, take four, short, staccato breaths of air through your nostrils — one puff for each step.

6. Focus on the audible sound of your breath, then exhale in the same fashion, contracting your abdominal muscles and pushing your belly button into your spine for four steps.

7. Continue this pattern for 5 minutes, then walk and breathe normally for 3 minutes.

8. Repeat as many times as you can during the course of your walk.

Mindful Meditation
Here’s one mindfulness meditation exercise our Brain Coaches can assist you with while you’re in our center. Once mastered, you can try it on your own. 

1. Sit upright, take your shoes off and begin breathing in and out slowly (belly breathing) for about 2 minutes. Let your muscles relax and feel yourself become more calm.

2. Now close your eyes and focus your attention on your feet while breathing in and out very slowly for about 2 minutes. Let your thoughts cease and just “think” about your toes. If new thoughts arrive, push them gently aside. Feel the tingling in your toes as more blood rushes to your feet.

3. Now focus your attention on your knees; deep breath in, deep breath out for 2 minutes.

4. Focus on your hips, shoulders, hands, neck, mouth, and then eyes — breathing deeply as you focus on each for 2 minutes.

5. Repeat a calming mantra with your eyes closed (e.g. ocean, ocean, ocean, ocean, ocean) for 5 minutes; deep breath in, deep breath out.

6. Now bring your focus back to your eyes and just concentrate on your eyes; deep breath in, deep breath out for 2 minutes.

7. Then focus on your mouth, then neck, hands, shoulders, hips, and knees – breathing deeply as you focus on each for 2 minutes.

8. Lastly, refocus on your feet and toes, again for 2 minutes, always taking deep, from your belly, breaths in and out.

9. Open your eyes and sit for a few minutes while you return to your environment, then put your shoes back on.